Friday, September 28, 2012

Animal Dreams quiz

As you're studying for Tuesday's quiz (over the 2nd half of the novel), consider the following: Doc Homer says, "The seat of human emotion should be the _______________. We don't hold love in our hearts. We hold it in our ____________________." What does this say about his personality?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

An article about Sara's senior project! Yeah! See the link to the right!

Class of 2013!

Welcome to what will hopefully be a good resource for you as you navigate coursework for our AP Literature and Composition/CAP class. This will be a place for us to discuss the novels and address any questions you have over the readings or assignments. Also, I know Senior Projects and Scrapbooks are always a concern, so we can address those questions as they arise as well. Posts to this blog are part of our classroom discussion. That means the rules are the same here as they would be in class. Consider appropriate topics, language, and content. Your first blog assignment is to answer the following question: What is a scholar? Explain your answer.