Monday, October 29, 2012

You've requested samples: here's a sample slide with in-text citation

sample thesis statement slide

Here is an example of a thesis statement slide over a "controversial" issue, meaning a reasonable person could argue for or against. On your slides breaking down each argument, you need in-text citation for each example.

Research Day 2

Many of you sent emails last Thursday during class. Feel free to do the same today. Use your time in class today, so you don't have so much to do at home. If anyone wants to bring a sample Power Point presentation to class on Wednesday, I am happy to look at it. I can't promise we'll get to everyone, but we can look at a few if you are unsure about whether you did it correctly. Happy researching! See you all Wednesday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Research Power Points

Today you will be working on your Power Point outline presentations in the IMC or computer lab, depending on which period you have class. My sub has extra copies of the directions, but please feel free to email me with any questions. Mr. Hammonds and Mr. Gladdish have my phone number as well, if you have a question that is really urgent:) Please refer to the Purdue OWL website for additional questions over the annotated bibliography or in-text citation. I have linked that site under "links of interest" on the right side of this blog. You must use Power Point rather than Open Office, or the presentation won't work on my teacher computer. You can do it in Open Office and convert it later, but that's an extra step. All supporting examples MUST INCLUDE IN-TEXT CITATION. Use your time well, and send me any questions you might have as you work through the project.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Poems due

If you didn't turn in a poem last Friday, be sure to bring TWO typed copies of your poem for tomorrow's class.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Just a reminder that binders are due next Thursday. During second period, I left off the Animal Dreams notes (that you were supposed to take while you read the novel). I have added them on the new rubric, which I have posed on My Big Campus. Go to "Resources" to access the rubric. There is no certain length for these notes. I just want to see that you took them. Have a great weekend!