Thursday, November 29, 2012

For Monday....

When I saw how much Salesman movie was left for Thursday, I realized we probably wouldn't make it to Greek Drama until Monday. Keep those worksheets and bring them to class Monday.

Also for Monday.....

1) Elements of drama quiz (terms and definitions are on MY BIG CAMPUS)

2) Salesman quiz over Act II

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Meet in the Cafeteria Wednesday

Don't forget to bring your anthology to the cafeteria on Wednesday for our day-before-thanksgiving celebration feast of poetry, reflection, food, and Death of a Salesman (of course)! See you there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thanksgiving poems due Thursday

See Guidelines below:

Write an original poem about a Thanksgiving related theme. Your challenge is to be creative and original. You might research the holiday and it’s history. Another option is to make a list of themes associated with the holiday and write an original poem about one of the themes from your list.

Please turn in TWO copies, one with your name and one without.

Poems must be 10-20 typed lines, and they must be your original writing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don't forget about your American Dream symbol!

For Tuesday's class, bring in an object that represents The American Dream, and explain it to the class.

The only requirements are that you

A. plan ahead (pulling out a dollar from your wallet doesn't count).

B. can explain WHY and/or HOW your object represents this dream.

Do a little investigating as to the meaning behind the phrase, and be creative in choosing your object.

Have a great weekend!

Avengers Win!

The Avengers take the first contest. Expect your prize on Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First Class Contest! Follow instructions carefully:)

INSTRUCTIONS: Provide the definition (please be thorough) of ONE of the following literary terms AND provide an example:

allusion, foreshadowing, hyperbole, cliche, metaphor, irony, imagery, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration, genre, connotation, denotation, stream-of-consciousness, oxymoron, allegory, reversal

EXAMPLE: narrator: the voice of the person telling the story, not to be confused with the author's voice. Much of Animal Dreams is narrated by the main character, Codi. She narrates from first-person, limited point of view. Susie Smith--The Avengers

The first person to have 8 DIFFERENT team members respond to a DIFFERENT TERM wins a consumable prize during an upcoming class period.

Team members MUST list their team name after their response or it doesn't count.

***RULE: once a term is used by a team member, no member of either team may use it again. This is so we don't have 12 people define hyperbole, giving the same definition and example. The idea is for everyone to define a different term.