Friday, May 20, 2011


By Monday, June 6, you should do the following:



1) In a couple of sentences, answer the following question: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A SCHOLAR? This is your OPINION. Avoid providing dictionary definitions unless accompanied by your own opinions and examples.

2) Respond to someone else’s comments, and be specific about why they are noteworthy. (Try to keep this positive; for example you might say, “I like what Ashley said about…..because…..” or “I found Tyler’s comments really interesting because…..”)

Although this is not a lengthy assignment, it will be the first impression we have of you as a thinker and writer. Try to be thoughtful in your response.


We can't wait to read your responses! Hope you are all studying diligently and getting plenty of rest in preparation for final exams!



  1. I believe a scholar is a person who devotes a lot of their time to pursue knowledge. A scholar could be a man or a woman, young or old. I also believe that a scholar is a person who is determined to know the truth about things around them. They constantly want to know more.

  2. Thank you for posting first! I can tell you really thought about your answer!

  3. I think a scholar is someone who strives to learn, and this learning is achieved through various techniques. A scholar is constantly looking for new ways to learn. They don't wait for an opportunity to be right in front of them; they go out and search for these opportunities. Anyone can be a scholar if they are motivated to learn.

  4. A scholar is someone who is not forced to exceed expectations, but someone who WANTS to. A scholar does not just 'get by'. Instead of scraping by, they go beyond what is asked of them in order to test their capabilities. A scholar is someone who is not forced to learn, but rather has a desire to learn. They want the best for themselves: the best education, the best opportunities, and the best options. They may learn in many different ways, but a scholar is someone who goes above and beyond.

  5. I think that a scholar is someone who is very smart and has a lot of knowledge. They excel everyday and go beyond what is expected of them. They are not forced to learn, they just want too. You can often define a scholar as someone who knows quite a lot in one certain subject, but they do not stop. They keep learning new things about that subject everyday.

  6. I think that a scholar is someone is constantly trying to learn something new. They are always open to a new subject and are eager to learn about it. A scholar can also be someone who has a specialty in one subject and is constantly trying to broaden their knowledge in that subject.

  7. Thanks to all who have posted already for jumping in and tackling the question so early! These are thoughtful answers.

    Now the challenge to those who have yet to post is to read these earlier responses and approach your answer just a little differently so that everyone is not saying the same thing.

    For example, is there a particular person who inspires you to scholarship? If so, why? What are their scholarly characteristics that you admire? Be sure to add something original to your answer.

  8. I believe that a scholar is a person that works hard, and does not give up on acheiving their goals. My mom is a scholar. She is always setting higher standards that what she expects to acheieve. I have always admired that about her. I am also a scholar, I am always working hard and trying my best at everything i do. I am always setting goals, and trying my very hardest to acheive them.

  9. I like what Melody said about "A scholar is someone who is not forced to exceed expectations, but someone who WANTS to." I completely agree with her statement and I believe that it is a complete and good defination of what a scholar is. She worded it very well!

  10. I believe that a scholar is someone who has a passion for learning. A scholar enjoys knowing useful information about many different things. Many people that I consider scholars push themselves in everything they do. In my opinion, a scholar does not have to be the person who knows the most, but a person who tries their hardest.

  11. I really liked what Dorothy said in her post. The fact that anyone can be a scholar gives a lot of people hope. This proves that anyone who is determined can reach their goals. I also love how she said that a scholar is someone who wants to know the truth about things. Scholarly people want to find things out for themselves and not have their problems solved for them.

  12. I think a scholar is someone who wants to know as much as they can about everything. Someone who thrives for knowledge and loves to learn new things. My grandmother has inspired me to be a scholar because she is so wise and seems to know the answer to any question i have.

  13. I like what Alyssa said about scholars not being forced to learn, but that they actually want too. That is what it means to be a scholar, wanting to know information, not being forced too.

  14. To me, being a scholar means that you want to actually learn. Scholars put forth their best effort. Scholars understand the significance of education. Scholars go forth to pursue their own dreams so they will know what their future will turn out to be like. Scholars put what they learn into their life and use it everyday. Sometimes they do that without knowing it.

  15. I like how Cari connected her grandmother to being a scholar. She said that her grandmother was wise and had the answers to all of her questions. I agree with that because Many grandparents have lived through a lot of events and experienced certain things that they already know what they are talking about. Though they aren't scholars school wise, in a way, they are scholars of life.

  16. The word "Scholar" is often connected to images of snooty professors or highly educated PhD's. Never does one imagine that they themselves could attain this status. However, one dictionary definition of scholar is "a student; pupil". Suddenly the status of scholar seems much easier to attain. But it is my opinion that one cannot simply be a student to also be a scholar. They must be a student that has a constant desire to learn and improve themselves. It is the desire and drive to learn, not the possesion of a PhD, that truly makes one a scholar.

  17. I really liked what Melody said about scholars not just "getting by", but rather making exceeding expectations the norm. To me, this is the essence of what a scholar should be.

  18. When I think about a Scholar I don't usually think abou the usual type of hard working students. I think about the students and people who are passoinate about learning. The work hard for what they want. Passion is usually one of the most important things when learning.

  19. Like what Cassidy said about how anobody can be a scholar. We all come from different backgrounds and life styles but anyone can become a scholar if they work hard enough.

  20. I agree with Megan Cleek with the fact that a scholar is anyone who wants to learn. People may be at school and not be a scholar because they do not wish to learn. I believe that anyone who enjoys learning is a scholar.

  21. I think that a scholar is someone who strives to learn all they can. They have not only an interest in what they are learning, but a deep passion for learning it. I would say that my sister is a scholar. She is constantly questioning things and has a great interest to always learn more. She goes over and beyond in her studies and pushes herself to learn more everyday.

  22. I agree with what cassidy said that anyone can be a scholar if they are motivated to. If someone has the drive and passion to learn, they will achieve great things.

  23. I found Shelly's comment really interesting. She explained a scholar in a different way than most of us did. She applied a scholar to students who are on their way to becoming what they believe to be as a "true" scholar. It was very different and easy to read.

  24. I like what Shelly said about what a scholar is. I like how she said you do not have to have a PhD to be a scholar. It can be anyone who drives to learn. I also think her response was very well written and thought abut.

  25. A scholar is someone who not only enjoys what they learn about, but the learning process itself. Anyone can be a scholar if they set their mind to it. The mind is a powerful thing and learning only makes it that much more powerful.

  26. I really liked what Shelly said and I completely agree with it. A scholar can be a student and is not just the person with a PhD.

  27. Let me first say that I am impressed at how many of you have responded already, especially considering that you are still finishing up this year's classes!

    Also, I want those who have yet to post to begin thinking about how you can respond to the question so that you are not just repeating what's already been said, but building on those comments to take the topic in additional directions.

    For example, some of you have mentioned specific examples of your own personal models for scholars, such as parents and grandparents. I love hearing about these role models.

    I would also be interested to hear whether you see YOURSELF as a scholar, and if so WHY specifically? What are your goals towards scholarship during your senior year? What scholarly qualities would you like to personally develop and grow? If you don't see yourself as a scholar, why not?

    What would you like to see us accomplish in A.P. English in order to develop your own strengths in this area?

  28. In my opinion, I believe a scholar is someone who is very good at what they do. They do not have to be a genius at multiple studies and they can be all ages. A scholar is someone who is very good at what they do and enjoy spending time doing their profession.

  29. I like how Cari tied in her Grandmother with her response. It is a great example to use because many of us have people we can look up to to encourage us to do better in our studies and become a scholar.

  30. I believe that a scholar is someone who always wants to succeed and learn. A scholar always wants to push him/herself to the best of their abilities. A scholar is someone who chooses to excel and look for opportunities to learn more, instead of waiting for the opportunity to come to them. A person who has inspired me to be a scholar would be my grandmother. She inspires me because she is wise and always has a solution to every problem.

  31. I really liked what Ashley said about a scholar not having to be the person who knows the most, but the person who tries their hardest. This proves that a scholar does not have to always be the one who knows the most, and that the one who tries the hardest could be as much a scholar too. It also gives some hope to the people who do not know as much as the others to become a scholar.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Stephanie Orth: A scholor is someone who will work hard regardless of the circumstances to achieve their academic goals. They will stop at nothing to achieve greatness. They do not have to be a genius or make great grades, a scholor is just someone who tries their hardest at everything they do and attempt to overcome all obstacles

  34. Stephanie Orth: I completely agreed with Lexie's comment. It is also a great example of what a scholor is. A scholor does have to be passionate about what they do and what they learn in order to get where they want to be. If you aren't passionate about what you learn or do then you won't do as well.

  35. In my opinion, a scholar is a determined individual who is always striving to better them selves. They take the challenges that are given to them, and exceeds the limit in everything they do.Being a scholar not only means smarts but discipline. Someone who inspires me is my father, because he has told me about his regret of not taking advantage back in school and wants better for me.

  36. I agree with Stephanie Orth. She makes a good point that to be a scholar does not has to make great grades but strives for the best and never gives up. It shows personal dignity.Also,shows being a scholar is much more than paper and pen but self perseverance.

  37. A scholar to me is someone who is constantly pursuing information on a subject he or she has interest in. They are someone who wants to know more without having to be told to study. They want to learn on their own. They achieve high academic standards and live their life learning.

  38. A scholar to me is someone who is excels in academics. They work extremely hard to pursue their academic dream. My brother is a scholar to me because he is constantly taking extra classes in college to excel in his field of study. He always finds ways to link himself to the journalism world no matter what.

  39. I agree with Adrianna. She makes a good point when she says that a scholar has to be not only smart, but disciplined. If you have discipline and brains, you will go a lot farther than you would if you just had brains.

  40. I believe that a scholar is a person, not necessarily a student, who loves to learn and is always looking for new ways to learn. In my opinion being a scholar does not necessarily mean being a smart person. It means a person who is self driven, motivated, interested, and amazed by learning new things each and every day.

  41. I really agree with what Josh said. His post makes perfect sense to me. A scholar does constantly pursue learning no matter if they have to or not. He makes a good point when he says that they achieve high academic standards and live their life learning.

  42. I think that a scholar is someone who works hard to have high expectations of themselves. They are someone who tries to meet new goals and tasks everyday. I do not think that a scholar has to be the smartest person. But someone who cares about hard work ethic, and that is always striving to meet their potential.

  43. I like how Meghan said that a scholar is someone who doesn't wait for the opportunity to come, they make it happen. I also liked how she said that they push themselves to the best of their abilities.

  44. I agree with what Meghan said. Being a scholar requires lots of work, a scholar must find new opportunities and not wait for them to come. I think that her response makes for a good scholar.

  45. I believe that a scholar is a man or woman who tries to succeed in his or her studies throughout his or her life. I believe that a scholar is a person who sets one or many goals and uses his or her time to achieve these goals.

  46. In my opinion, a scholar is someone who has an undying thirst for knowledge. They don't have to be a genius, or have PhD from college, they just want to have the desire to have knowledge. My grandmother is my role-model for being a scholar. She and my grandpa have been retired for over 20 years and have quite a large retirement fund to live on. In spite of this, my grandma regularly reads biographies of the French Enlightenment philosophes and analyses on their ideologies. Then if there is something mentioned in one of her books she doesn't understand, she researches it online until it makes sense to her. She doesn't do this because she needs the money for a career or life experience to put on a resume, she simply does it because she loves to learn.

  47. I agree with Sam in that a scholar does not necessarily have to be a student; they can be anyone who loves to learn.

  48. I agree with what Stephanie said "A scholor is someone who will work hard regardless of the circumstances to achieve their academic goals". No matter what life throws you a scholar always tried to learn from it. It reminds me of someone who is constantly going through hardships in life, and they learn from their hardships. These people try to see the good in the bad, and I think this makes them a scholar in their own unique way.

  49. I believe a scholar is some who strives to learn something that they don't know, or something that they want to learn more about, even when they may not be being told to do it. Being a scholar to me makes me believe that you know that you don't know everything and that you know you will not know everything but you still want to figure out about things to better advance your knowledge.

  50. I agree with what Jacob said. Being a scholar does not mean you stop learning when you get done with school but rather it gets done when your done(when you die).

  51. A scholar is someone that enjoys learning. They spend most of their time studying and it is a real passion for them. Scholars try to master as much knowledge as they can and to become experts in their field.

  52. I like Kelsey's response to the question. A scholar doesn't have to be the smartest person alive. They just need a passion to learn.

  53. I believe that to be a scholar is to continually and actively pursue deeper knowledge and understanding according to one's own interests and as a primary focus of one's life. In this sense, becoming a scholar and being a scholar are conscious personal decisions that are more easily reversed or neglected than made. Serious scholars are fairly uncommon; however, they are perhaps the most valuable members of society. Intellectually, if not in other ways, they who have contributed most to humanity's development have been scholars. The role of the scholar deserves great respect and is essential to human progress itself.

    -Thomson Yeh


  54. I believe that a scholar is someone who takes learning seriously. I believe that they actually care about getting a great education and make an effort to dive deeper into what they are learning to broaden their knowledge. A scholar shouldn't have to be assigned something to work to know more about something they are learning.

  55. I agree with Amanda wholeheartedly. It doesn't take a genius to be a scholar. All it takes is a spark of curiosity to know more about something to make a scholar.

  56. I believe that a scholar is somebody that appreciates the opportunity to learn and discover what's out there. It doesn't strictly have to refer to the work we do at school, sometimes being a scholar involves using past experiences to learn and grow from them. Being a scholar also involves setting an example and learning from the examples of those that came before you. - Kara DiDomizio.

  57. I agree with Katie, too. It's not somebody that goofs off but that takes learning seriously. I like Amanda's mention of her grandmother and how she studies the French Enlightment philosophies. A scholar can be a person that reads and learns from those of the past or develops their own learning techniques.

  58. Shelly made an insighful observation about the prevalent perception of the scholar. It seems to me as well that this word in its common usage fails to draw the distinction between the scholar as static (a position) and the scholar as dynamic (an act).

  59. I believe a scholar is someone who wants to continually learn and gain more knowledge. They don't just soak up information like a sponge. Instead, they question the information given and form their own opinions and ideas.

  60. I agree with what Cassidy said, anyone who is motivated to learn can be a scholar.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I believe that a scholar is an individual who inexorably strives to augment his/her grasp of knowledge and to improve the quality of human society. In order to accomplish this, scholars must consciously put their own effort into grasping the eclectic sources of knowledge that surround them. In my opinion, if an individual only learns through the cajoling of others, then he/she is not a true scholar. In essence, these "real" scholars are the ones who have brought society to its current pinnacle. These scholars, with a tad of luck, will be needed in the future to continue our advancement in society. - Tony Huang

  63. I agree with most of what my peers have posted; however, I would like to emphasize a point that Thomson made. He noted that true "serious" scholars provide for the advancement of humanity. I completely agree with this statement. Knowledge is ubiquitous; however, if everything one dabbles in is the esoteric and abstract, it provides very little use for others. I feel that true scholars must have knowledge that is pragmatic and can be utilized.

  64. Tony, I agree with your point about pragmatism. It is important to discuss ideas and theory, but I also think it's important to figure out how knowledge and brilliant ideas can actually be applied and be useful to others or society as a whole. Brilliant pontification is great, but how can these ideas ultimately be helpful?

  65. A scholar is somebody who is really smart and passionate about something. They like to learn new things and like to help others learn new things too.

  66. I agree with Lauren Brown. Anyone can listen and soak up information but true scholars will actually use it to their advantage.

  67. I believe that a scholar is anyone in the pursuit of gaining knowledge and understanding how it could be used in the real world. A scholar could be a scientist testing an experiment to a regular guy reading a how-to book. Anyone can be a scholar if they are trying to gain for knowledge and understand its wealth.

  68. I like Eric's statement about how a scholar knows that they will never know everything in this universe, but if they strive to just gain a piece of what there is to offer then they are a scholar.

  69. In my opinion, a scholar has both ability and passion for learning. Some people take a scholarly approach to everything they do, while others focus on a particular field of study. In the past scholars were a very elite group, but as universal education took hold the term “scholar” came to mean an excellent student or any student able to earn a “scholarship.” In a sense, the term scholar has been devalued over time and is now used to describe a wide range of intellectual ability and accomplishment.

  70. Josh had a good point about the motives of a scholar. I agree that a scholar is self-motivated. When a scholar is his own toughest critic, he produces his best work.

  71. I think that a scholar is someone who's main ideal is education. Scholars devote their time, money, and attention to broaden the horizons of learning. I believe that scholars have a passion for all things education.

  72. I completely agree with Amanda and I like the example used about her grandmother. I like the statement she used about someone having a thirst for knowledge! I completely agree with her post!

  73. I think a scholar is someone who is passionate about learning more. They are constantly doing whatever they can to improve their knowledge. A scholar does not necessarily have to be the smartest, just devoted to education and learning.

  74. I agree with Austin that a scholar can be anyone. A scholar is anyone trying to learn more.

  75. Thanks to all who have posted on the blog! I know several of you will probably post soon in order to make the June 1 "bonus" points, which is great. I am so glad so many of you have taken the earliest part of the summer to sign on as a blog author and post.

    Keep in mind that, although this assignment is not worth a great deal of points in the grade book, it is our very first impression of you as a thinker and a writer.

    I have read each and every post thoroughly and will continue to do so. Be thoughtful about what you post, because often the "points" collected from an assignment such as this are much less significant than what your post says about you as a student.

    Again, I am impressed by how many of you have taken the initiative to contribute to the blog early. Keep up the good work, and be thorough and thoughtful with your posts. I look forward to reading more.

    Mrs. Harl

  76. I believe a scholar is someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to gain knowledge. This requires that they must be focused and determined on learning. I believe a scholar can be anyone that puts in the effort to learn and gain knowledge. This doesn't necessarily mean that they must be smart, but they must be willing to learn.

  77. I like Carlton's comment about being a scholar because he used examples of how two completely different people both can be considered scholars. I agree with what he said about how if one is trying to gain knowledge, they can be a scholar. It doesn't matter how intelligent a person may be, they just need to be trying to gain knowledge.

  78. I think a scholar is someone who continues to educate themself. This doesn't necessarily mean always in school but in life in general. You have to be able to learn from your mistakes and grow from them. Anyone can be a scholar, it just takes some effort.

  79. I agree with Josh's comment because it is very similar to what I think a scholar is. The concept of someone continuously increasing their knowledge is definitely how I see a scholar. Me and him have the same idea of what a scholar is.

  80. In my opinion, a scholar is somebody who is willing to make sacrifices for scholastic means. For instance, this person may sacrifice social time to study or learn. I see myself as a scholar because I do whatever I can to make sure every assignment is completed correctly before the due date. Over the course of my senior year, I would like to become a more effective scholar. I want to be able to communicate knowledge more effectively through writing.

  81. Melody made a good point by stating that a scholar pushes past expectations because it is desired and not forced.

    Thomson gave a fantastic explanation of what he believes is a scholar. As a close friend of his, I can truly say that he is a devoted scholar and that he is a living definition of that word.

  82. I believe that a scholar is a person who pursues knowledge in their academic endeavors with great enthusiasm and a passion for learning. A true scholar is motivated to willingly increase their knowledge by their love of learning rather than gaining knowledge to raise their intellectual prestige. Thus, a scholar spends long hours of study and research in order to enlighten their mind as they actually desire to learn. Without a sincere desire to learn and to expand their education, a person would not obtain the status of being a scholar. With this in mind, I think I display some of the characteristics of a scholar as I am motivated to expand my knowledge by my personal desire for learning. -Ethan Lehmann

  83. A scholar is one who studies. It doesn’t mean they are just smart. Rather, a scholar is someone who works towards a profound level of knowledge. Scholars apply themselves to the work they do and make a effort to understand it.

  84. I agree with Ellie's comment about scholars not always just being the smartest. They just have to be willing to learn. I know many people who I would consider scholars, but also aren't necessarily the smartest people I know. I would consider them scholars because they care for and are willing to learn.

  85. In my opinion, a scholar is not necessarily a person who gets good grades or is highly educated. You often perceive "scholars" to be the super smart and advanced students in school. Scholar appears in the word scholarship and some may think in order to get them, you must be at the top of your class. I however, do not think that. I think a scholar is one who tries their very best to reach their goals. A person who works hard and achieves whatever they set their mind to. A scholar does not have to be in school in my eyes. For example, my dad is a scholar to me. He is 56 years old and did not complete college. Although, he is really intelligent and is good at what he does. He pushes through any obstacles and loves to learn new things. There is no need to know all the information of one thing to be a scholar. It’s possible to know a variety of subjects and teaching others about them.

  86. I love how Amanda stated that a scholar is someone who has an "undying thirst for knowledge."
    Her grandmother is a great example of a scholar in what i believe one to be. For example she mentioned that if she did not understand something in her readings, she would research it until she understood it. This is the same with my father. He does not quit searching for the answer to his confusion until it is found. This is the desire to learn more which results in being a scholar.

  87. There is more meaning to the word scholar than just "a student". I believe a scholar is a someone who always pursues something more, or is always looking for something educational. A scholar is someone who pushes their abilities to learn more. They take advantage of hard classes instead of taking the easy way out. They want to learn from people and experiences. Scholars learn everyday and never want to stop learning.

  88. I like how Megan Smith said that scholar make sacrifices. Scholars make tons of sacrifices in order to learn.

  89. I think a scholar is a person who studies certain areas to become more educated. I believe that I am a scholar because I put in the effort to learn in my classes. When I think of a scholar, it reminds me of my mom. she works so hard in all of her college classes because she wants a better future. I want to be as determined like she is in her classes. During my senior year, I will be working very hard in my classes to further myself and to receive a higher GPA. By getting a higher GPA, I can apply for more scholarships, and I will be more prepared for college. My scholarly goals are to become more organized and focused on my school work. I would like to see us accomplish reading several novels and write a few papers, so I can further my education in my writing skills and reading comprehension skills.

    I agree with Adriana when she said that a scholar needs to be smart but also disciplined. This is because a scholar must have the discipline to get the work done.

  90. In my opinion, a scholar is someone who devotes significant amounts of time specifically to learning new things. I also think that in order to be considered a scholar, a person must have a passion or certain amount of enthusiasm about learning new things. One who devotes time to learning but is not enthusiastic about it would simply be considered a student, while one who is passionate about learning but does not take time to pursue that passion would be seen as someone who only views learning as a hobby or interest. I believe that both elements are required to be considered a scholar, and that meeting only one of these "requirements" would not be sufficient.

    --Nick Hackworth

  91. I liked Ethan's post in particular because he not only matched my idea of a scholar in general, but he added something else that I tend to agree with. The part I had not considered in my own post said that a scholar should be someone that increases their intellect because of their love of learning, rather than to gain prestige. I agree with this and would say that someone who only learns to gain prestige would not have a true passion for learning, but rather a passion for money or whatever other benefit that may gain from it.

    --Nick Hackworth

  92. In my opinion a scholar is someone who spends a lot of time studying, not because they are being forced to, but because they have a love for learning about a particular subject. However, you do not have to spend all your time studying to be considered a scholar. I do not think scholars are only found in schools. A scholar takes something they would like to improve or begin and strives to make themselves the absolute best they can be. If you want to become smarter, you read more books and study harder. Scholars have to have enough knowledge on particular subjects to help them reach their goals, but they do not have to be a genius and know everything about that particular subject.

    Hailey Wagner

  93. I will have to agree with what Tony made a point of saying. I think scholars would be pointless if they all continuously studied the same thing that many have studied before them and not bring anything new to the table. Scholars help us grow. They bring new ideas for our minds to wonder and this leads to advancements in the world

  94. I agree with Cassidy's comment on Stephanie's post. I found them both very insightful. You have to look at things from other peoples point of view to really get the piecs of the puzzle to fit together. By typing your own post, you see your own opinion but by looking back through what othre people have said you can brodden your horrizens of your oppinion of a scholar.

  95. In my opinion, a scholar is a noteworthy person with relentless determination to learn and succeed. To me—with all other differing principles set aside—dedication, will power, and curiosity are what make someone truly scholarly. A scholar must be capable of failure while always striving for success. Basically, through my eyes, to be considered a scholar one must learn from mistakes, and they must always have room and desire for improvement. With this idea of a scholar in mind, I see many of the people around me every day as scholars even if they do not see themselves as such. I can learn from them, and I can strive to help them as they assist me. This year it is my hope that through dedication, will power, and curiosity the other students of this class and myself will be able to help each other expand our knowledge by doing our absolute best and learning from one another's successes and failures.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. I greatly agree with Andrea's comment that a scholar is, "a person who works hard and achieves whatever they set their mind to." I believe she is correct in assessing the fact that anyone can be a scholar as long as they push themselves to do their best. As long as they strive to succeed and never give up if they fail--anyone can become a scholar. --Mariah Bradley

  98. I belive a scholar is someone who can not get enough of learning. They constantly are learning something. They always getting work and assignments complete on time. A scholar knows how to get things done to succeed in classes.

  99. I agree with Megan Smith. Scholars will make for sure make sacrifices to learn or make themselves better. Like not going to a movie with friends or skipping a dinner they will do so they can learn what they need to.

  100. In my opinion a scholar is someone who loves to learn. They cannot get enough learning. A scholar is not the student who is at school because they have to be, they are there because they want to be and they will give it their all. I think that a scholar is someone who does whatever it takes to do their best and succeed.

  101. I like Austin's opinion of a scholar. I too believe that a scholar can be anyone who applies themselves to their learning. I like how he says that they are not always necessarily the smartest student. He made a good point in saying that a scholar is anyone who puts everything they can into learning no matter how smart they are.

  102. I agree with Mariah’s opinion of a scholar. Scholars must develop the characteristics of dedication, will power, and curiosity in order to develop an enthusiasm for learning and a motivation to learn. I also agree with Mariah’s statement that a scholar is capable of failing during their quest for knowledge. I find this statement very interesting as people must remember that scholars are still humans and are capable of making mistakes. Even though scholars have strong scholastic abilities, they are still vulnerable to failures despite their numerous strides towards success, but they distinctly learn from their mistakes. -Ethan Lehmann

  103. I think a scholar is someone who wants to learn. I believe that they want and try to do their best to succeed. It doesn't mean that this person is the smartest, but they do their best anyway.

  104. I agree with Blake's opinion of a scholar. He is basically saying that a scholar is a try-hard, which is a good thing. They always have their assignments done and turned in on time. they try their best at everything involving work at school.

  105. I think a scholar is someone who wants to gain a lot of knowledge through learning and through life experiences. I believe that a scholar should not only learn from teachers and schooling, but from the successes and failures in their lives. They should work hard for their knowledge, but also enjoy the process of learning. A scholar does not need to be a genius, but I believe they should always work their hardest.

  106. I really like Shelly’s response. She really thought about what it truly meant to be a scholar, and her opinion of what a scholar is different than most of us. She did not just think it was a person who wants to learn. She pointed out that a scholar is any student who wants to learn and who does their best to learn.

  107. A scholar is someone who seeks knowledge passionately. Many people are educated, however not all of them are truly enthusiastic about. Meanwhile, a scholar is fascinated by one or more subjects, to the point that they seek to learn as much about it as possible.

  108. I like Karlee's post because of the emphasis she puts on devotion. I also agree that a scholar must be someone who learns on a voluntary basis. I feel that these are both key concepts of a scholar and like that she made a good job of pointing them both out.

  109. I think a scholar is someone who gives their time to become better educated. They learn and study not only in the classroom, but also on their own. Also, a scholar is someone who tries to figure things out on their own and they dont wait to be told an answer.

  110. I agree with Cody's statement on what it means to be a scholar. I like his statement because he says some people are smart, but a scholar takes it to the next level. He has some really good points on what it means.

  111. A "scholar" differs from a "student" in very simple ways. Whereas a student will usually study to pass the upcoming a test, a scholar takes it a step further and actually strives to remember the information after turning in the paper. A scholar thirsts for knowledge. They constantly show this by asking never ending questions and always delving deeper than what they see upon the surface.

  112. I really enjoyed reading Rachel's post because I didn't think about a scholar from that angle. You would normally think of a scholar as someone who is highly intelligent; however, she went in the exact opposite direction going as far as to say that, "A scholar does not need to be a genius."

  113. I believe being a scholar can be a variety of things. It could consist of someone who loves to soak up knowledge and constantly wants to learn more. Another definition of a scholar could be a pupil or a student. It could be someone who has specific intelligence in one area or someone who is just very knowledgeable overall.

  114. I completely agree with Heather's definition of a scholar. I really like how she contrasts a scholar from a student, showing the differences between the two. I loved her statement "A scholar thirsts for knowledge." This is a great example of a scholar and her post was spot on.

  115. I believe being a scholar is someone who enjoys speaking intelligently and retaining new information. I believe a scholar is someone who people look for to find something interesting or new out. A scholar could also be a student. It could be someone who is intelligent over one subject or someone who is overal intelligent.

  116. I agree with what Aaron has said. He makes a good definition of what a scholar is to him and after reading both of ours, our definitions seem to compare a lot. He made a lot of good points on what a scholar is to him and he made a decent argument about it also.

  117. A scholar values and seeks knowledge for its own sake, but also for the purposes of using and sharing the knowledge he or she gains. I strongly believe that a scholar is not measured by external things such as grades and awards but by the level of passion he or she injects into the quest for learning. In this way I think that I am a scholar: I have no measured academic achievements to boast about, but I have a neverending curiosity and willingness to learn and adapt. The ultimate appeal of scholarship is this accessability--you do not have to have a wall full of plaques and diplomas to call yourself a scholar.

  118. I agree with Lauren Brown: those who truly want to learn cannot always blindly accept what they are taught, they often have to set out to find their own information and solutions. Sometimes it is best to arrive at an answer independently instead of simply being told what's right.

  119. I think a scholar is someone who really enjoys learning and doesn't take it as a joke. A scholar is a student who is very hard working and does whatever it takes to do well in school. A scholar dedicates their life to learning.

  120. I agree with what Courtney said about a scholar not always being the smartest but they always try their best anyway. It shows that a scholar is the one who is most serious about their work.

  121. A scholar is one that strives to gain knowledge even if it is not required of them. A scholar should always be trying to gain knowledge even if it is not going to be on a test or quiz sometime. Being in the honors course that we are in, we should all try to strive to be a scholar that wants to be as knowledgeable as possible. One never knows when extra knowledge will come in handy in a tough situation. Also being a scholar, will make you much more proficient in your career.
    -Trevor Moody

  122. I really agree with what Thomson Yeh had to say on the subject of scholars. I do think that scholars study and always want to know more about their own personal interests. I also agree that scholars are responsible for advancement in society. For example, Henry Ford had an interest in transportation, so he studied that topic, and he produced the automobile.

  123. When I think of a scholar I think of someone who puts schooling and their education as a top priority. They find a way to take their passion for learning and achieving their goals to great lengths. Scholars challenge themselves not only on the things they must learn but on things that they want to learn.

  124. I like what Shelby said about scholars having to have passion. That is very true because you have passion to succeed. I also liked how she said that scholars aren't always the hard workers but that anyone can be a scholar.

  125. I believe a scholar is someone who places their education as their first priority. Scholars are not afraid of the challenges that they may face when furthering their schooling. A scholar has prepared a great work ethic that will help them accomplish the goals they have set for themselves.

  126. I liked what Trevor Moody said about scholars striving to gain knowledge that is not required. This comment is very true and extra knowledge can be helpful. Having the right information in a situation can help a scholar make a wise and intelligent decision.

  127. Blake Brooks
    I think that a scholar is someone who makes sure they understand all of their studies and they are on top of it. They always understand what they need to do and how to do it. A scholar does not wait until 10 oclock until he gets his assaignments done....

  128. I agree with Barbara, fear if studying stops a whole lot of people from going after what they want, not fearing that will change a lot.

  129. I really agree with Blake Brooks. He said that a scholar does not wait until ten o'clock to do his/her assignment. This is very true to me because someone who procrastinates does not really care about their studies.

  130. I believe that a scholar is someone who really, really pushes themselves to be the best they can be. To some people, school is very easy; it is something that they just get and they excel in with little effort. On the other hand, there are many people who must constantly push and push themselves to do well. Even with all this effort, the person in example number two may not do as well as the first example. But does this make them less of a scholar? To me, the answer is no, a scholar is someone who really tries and works for what they have, even if what they accomplish isn't quite as good as some other person's achievement.

  131. I really agreed with Andrea's post. I feel like she has a very similar idea of the word scholar that i have. She to mentioned that being a scholar is not necessarily determined solely on a GPA. Good job Andrea!

  132. Being a scholar means devoting your life to your studies. A scholar's goal is to learn as much as possible about any given topic.

  133. I like how Jake said a scholar might not be capable of accomplishing something as well as someone else, but it is the effort they put into their accomplishment that makes them a scholar.

  134. I enjoyed reading all of your ideas and interactions on the definition of a scholar. While some of you believe that anyone can be a scholar, I do not believe that to be true. While I have a passion for music, I will never be an opera singer. I hope you all have your summer reading underway.

  135. I think that in order to be a scholar you have to enjoy the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake. A scholar will dedicate themselves to learning as much as they can. Instead of seeing studying as a burden, they see it as a joy. It's one thing to be a student and to learn to achieve a goal, but scholars don't have goals like students. They want to learn continuously until there isn't anything else for them to gain knowledge of

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  137. I agree with what Jake said. Even if someone isn't super smart, as long as they keep trying and push themselves to do the best they can, they're doing better than those who just go through school effortlessly and never challenge themselves

  138. A scholar is one so enraptured with learning that he completes it outside of expectations other than his own, and continues doing this for the rest of his life. Having a sudden, short-lived thirst for knowledge on a single topic of interest is far different and lesser than the scholar's continual presence in a person. A scholar, then, is not led by his own expectations, but rather the world around him.

    Zoe Grabow

  139. I strongly concur with Thomson's view that scholars advance and therefore are (or should be) the most valuable forces in progressive society; however, the few that do earn parallel recognition through their deeds are offset by the many who do not. A scholar's path is not an easy one, and there is no guarantee that he will gain acknowledgement for his trials and successes, or even that he will not become a pariah for his visions.

    Zoe Grabow

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  141. When i think of a scholar, i think of someone who is passionate about their education. They focus all of their energy on their education.

  142. I agree with what Vivian said because you don't have to be smart to be a scholar, you just have to focus on achieving your goal.

  143. I believe a scholar is anyone whose life is dedicated to learning. These people are passionate about their studies and actually enjoys gaining new knowledge.

  144. I agree with what Katie said about how a scholar doesn't take new learning as a joke. For a scholar, learning new things is one of the main focuses of his/her life.

  145. I believe a scholar is anyone who has a passion and curiosity to learn more. I believe they also understand the importance of a great education. Scholars push themselves to achieve their full potential whether that's becoming the top of the class or just doing your best.

  146. I liked what Stephanie said about not having to be the best but that you are trying your hardest to overcome obstacles. That you do your best you can with what you have, and to let nothing stand in your way.


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