Saturday, June 18, 2011

1984- Part II

By now, you should be finished with part two of 1984. Some questions to think about for the test and for discussion include the following: (Again, I suggest you WRITE OUT answers to these questions and of course post any thoughts or questions that you have).

1. Describe Julia's feelings about the Party.
2. Who is Syme, and what is his significance to the novel?
3. Explain the importance of O'Brien. How do you think he will be important in the overall theme and plot in the parts of the novel yet to come?
4. Describe another of Winston's dreams about his family. Why is the dream significant?
5. Describe the meeting between Julia, Winston, and O'Brien. What are some of the important details that emerge to the reader during this meeting?
6. What are some of the main ideas in Goldstein's book?
7. What is Ingsoc and it's central tenet?
8. What is doublethink?
9. What eventually happens to Julia and Winston in the room over the antique shop? What role does Charrington play?

The items above are hints about the questions you might see on the test. Please post any questions you might have now, so you are ready when we return to school.

I hope you are finding the novel interesting!


  1. 3) O'Brien acts as a sanctuary for Winston in the novel. When O'Brien is around, Winston feels like they both share the same thoughts and feelings about the Party, even though O'Brien is an Inner Party member. I feel that later on in the novel, O'Brien will have a negative impact on Winston. I think Winston's eye-contact-only relationship with O'Brien isn't enough to make such radical assumptions about his loyalty to the Party. I think Winston clings to this false sense of camraderie with O'Brien because he is desperate to find others who share his views on the corruption of the Party.

  2. Thanks for your response, Amanda! I am glad you are keeping up with the reading!


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