Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Thousand Splendid Suns, Part IV (Chs. 48-51)

Use these questions to guide your reading/review of Part IV of Suns:

1) How does Laila's life in Murree contrast with her life in Kabul?

2) Why is Laila afraid to hope for peace in Afghanistan, after the U.S. war on the Taliban is over?

3) What forces tug on Laila to return to Afghanistan?

4) How does the letter of Mariam's father show his character? Does it redeem him in some way? In what ways is it ironic?

5) What is fitting about Laila's return to Kabul and her work at the orphanage?

6) How has Mariam become a symbol of Kabul for Laila?

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